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Image of Cherry Blossoms @ UC Merced

NSAC Mission Statement

Allowing for increased inclusion and voting rights to non-senate academics at UC Merced yields many benefits for the entire UCM community, including its students, departments, and administrators.  These benefits include promoting fairness, increasing the quality of education, and supporting our reputation as an institution that fosters inclusiveness and equity.  Especially with the broader campus context of the 2020 growth, inclusion of non-senate academics in the design, planning and implementation of this growth is essential to supporting instructional faculty and the students they teach.  Space planning for non-senate academics will continue to be an important focus, with well-planned office arrangements helping support inclusive excellence among faculty members and further foster student success.  It is also essential that non-senate academics be brought in on planning for new undergraduate education programs, as the student population continues to grow.  To this aim, regular dialogue between non-senate academics and the senate faculty and administration facilitated by NSAC will be crucial, alongside collaboration with the Senate.


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